Some meals just truly aren’t complete without gravy. Chicken gravy is a gravy that pairs with many vegetables, potatoes, poultry and even with more delicate flavors like fish dishes. What I love about this chicken gravy is that it’s so nutrient-dense that I don’t care how much my family pours into their plates.
With ingredients like fat from a pastured animal, vitamin k2 if using a pastured butter, minerals/amino acids and collagen from the super flavorful chicken or turkey bone broth- it’s a family staple. My kiddos shovel it down with no clue that they are going a long way in maintaining their health just by eating something they really enjoy!
I like how quick it is to make this gravy. It takes less time than using a starch like regular flour as regular flour takes longer to cook in the fat to prevent the finished gravy from tasting “flour-y”. Arrowroot starch is used instead, which is from a nutrient-dense tuber. It’s also both grain-free and gluten-free.
Ingredients: (makes about 3 cups) (Time: approx. 4 minutes)
4T real butter (preferably from cows on pasture like Kerrygold or from a pastured-based dairy farm)
3T arrowroot starch (found in most gluten free baking sections or here)
3c chicken bone broth (recipe here)
1t mineral rich salt (here)
Place butter and arrowroot starch in a pot on medium heat. When the butter melts, use a spatula to stir often to avoid lumps. Let it cook for about a minute after melted.
Add in the chicken bone broth and salt.
Stir frequently as the mixture comes to a simmer. Simmer it till the gravy starts to thicken. Here you can see it just barely stick to the spatula. Keep cooking to slightly less than the desired thickness as it thickens as it cools.
Pamm says
Yum, brings back memories of my grandma’s family dinners.