Hope you’ve been doing well! This week has been interesting. We are catching up on getting back to normal after my husband was on a work trip last week. Little things like that are a big deal when dealing with kiddos.
Wednesday threw a wrench into our homeschool plans because by 11am I was glued to the tv due to tornado warnings all around. This didn’t keep the kids from taking matters into their own hands and it even inspired an amazing work of art.
Today I walked around to begin assessing chores that need to be done as spring is fast approaching. There’s plenty to keep us busy. Our porch is disheveled from the wind we had. My porch furniture could really use some love and attention as the original paint on it is cracking and leaving rust marks. I’m really just trying to decide what color it should be here.
We have a vine that sprouted up like crazy tall arms out of nowhere.
Our standard poodle baby, Cocoa, is also in need of a trim. I bought a used version of this clipper on eBay here. Eating real food crumbs after our kiddos really makes him grow. We got him at 11 weeks old at about 9lbs and now now he is 18 weeks old and weights 24 lbs. I’ve always wanted a standard poodle, so my husband gifted him to me and the kids.
I ran out this afternoon to pick up some produce and our raw milk. I try, I mean I really, really try to get my food errands over before the weekend. Sarasota during high season is packed. Totally packed. It’s packed with delightful people that inspire me, but PACKED!
I’m also planning our garden. I’m trying to figure out what in the world I actually want to do here.
So, that’s it from the Brothaholic household. How about you?